28 Day On Demand Program

stress detox

Add 4 simple daily habits to overcome overwhelm & create a less stressed Mind-space…

So… finally you have the realization that something has to change if you are going to live a happy and healthy life? Perhaps your stress levels are impacting on your relationships, your family enjoyment, or even your health.

Stress is taken for granted these days as “part of life,” and while there is such a thing as “healthy” stress, that helps us grow, most of our stress is chronic, damaging and unhealthy. Have you been experiencing symptoms of stress?

These can be mental, physical, emotional and behavioural.

  • Laid awake at night, or sleeping too much or too little
  • Difficulty concentrating or trouble making decisions
  • General Moodiness, Irritability or the inability to relax
  • Feeling overwhelmed with life
  • Feeling lonely and isolated, depressed or general unhappiness
  • Aches and pains in the body, frequent colds/flus
  • Diarrhoea or constipation, nausea, dizziness, vertigo
  • Chest pain, rapid heartbeat, pounding of the heart
  • Loss of sex drive
  • Eating more or less
  • Using alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs to relax, or in excess

75% of adults report suffering symptoms of stress

Parents report higher-than-average stress levels than non-parents!

We humans want the Abracadabra moment and VIOLA! We are showered in a shining stardust whirlwind and we get the end result – with no effort, no conscious choice, no upgrade in our knowledge of how to live a healthy life.

BUT… this is not very effective or even long-lasting!!

There’s a whole scientific reason for the symptoms we experience if we ignore chronic stress for long enough – and our bodies are telling us ENOUGH ALREADY!!! There’s only so much it can manage on its own… it needs us to help by creating a health promoting environment… and then – we thrive!

It is like magic but we actually have to do the work – there’s no quick fix for a long term reward.

This program teaches you how to change simple lifestyle habits that will ripple into all areas of your life so you can have enjoyment and fulfillment again.

Take the steps to help manage your stress in controllable amounts so you can climb out of that hole – maybe before you totally crash and burn with Burnout or as a step towards recovery if you are in the pit already.

Allow the ancient wisdom of health and healing to guide you with a healthy lifestyle, and notice your stress levels lower and your mindset shift towards calmness seemingly like magic!

This 5000 year old knowledge (now supported by western science) is about getting to know your self – how to promote and support health, how to allow and encourage the body’s innate self healing, connecting, nurturing and providing the environment for you to experience long lasting benefits where the mind settles into a space of peace – or can land there again more easily – once and for all.

I’m going to teach you how.

Incorporate 4 simple, yet very effective, health promoting daily practices – focusing on one each week… allow that habit to settle into your routine before adding the next habit.

And you don’t even have to do the habits 7 days a week to have the benefits! 4-5 days a week (solid B grade) will allow you to experience results.

This is a sub-set of the transformative wellness program Easeful Vitality so you can take just what you need right now – or jump into the full program (10 habits in 10 weeks) to really hit the road to health and vitality!

When you join in this Stress Detox 28 day immersion e-course, you will receive:

  • Bi-weekly emails offering support and education on habit science, behavioural science, eastern and western research
  • PDF of 4 Lifestyle Changing Habits to download – TIP: print these out and keep them somewhere you’ll see them regularly as you begin improving your daily healthy habits
  • Recordings of 4 Lifestyle Changing Habits to view – to help you understand and integrate these new habits into your life
  • Inclusion into a closed, exclusive group forum to support, encourage and inspire you.  Research shows over and over again that it’s the community – aka: support crew – that helps us create change and experience different results in our lives.  When you surround yourself with others who are making the same changes and going through the same things, it helps keep your momentum moving positively forward and reduces the chances of falling back to your old ways.

Move unconscious negative habits into conscious improved choices until they become Unconscious Improved Habits…

Create a lifestyle that allows your mind to be settled, find peaceful space to hold and enjoy your life for decades to come!